Secondary and Elementary PreK-3rd Grade Phase-In Update



Hello West Valley Families!

We would like to provide you with the most up to date information on the following items:

  • Elementary Phase-In Update: Preschool and Kindergarten through 3rd grade move to full-time, in-person learning after spring break

    • Community Connections Webinar focused on elementary full-time phase-in will be held Tuesday, March 2nd at 6pm on Zoom and Facebook Live

  • Secondary Phase-In Update: Middle and high schools move to full hybrid schedule in March

  • COVID-19 Health & Safety Update: Siblings of symptomatic students can now attend school if they do not have any COVID-like symptoms and have not been identified as a close contact; symptomatic students must still remain isolated for 10 days until they receive a negative test or a note from their healthcare provider that symptoms are not related to COVID.

  • Activities and Athletics Update: Home competitions can be viewed virtually

  • Kindergarten enrollment has opened for the 2021-2022 school year

  • Staying Connected: Opt-In to Bright Arrow text messages for emergency communication (such as school closures)

  • Food and Nutrition Services: All meals still free!

  • Scheduling Reminders

Elementary Phase-In Update

The West Valley School Board, with the support of Spokane Regional Health District, has approved a plan for our earliest learners to return to full-time, in-person learning after spring break. As we have built success in our hybrid model for mitigating the spread of COVID-19 within schools, we are confident in the plan to begin transitioning more students into our elementary schools. Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-grade students will phase-in to this full-time model one week at a time following the schedules linked below. Due to the larger class sizes in 4th and 5th grade, we are unable to safely fit full classes into our classrooms with the six-foot physical distancing guidelines in place. Wednesday, April 14th will be an All Elementary Asynchronous Virtual Learning Day to support students in continued learning, while providing time for teachers and buildings to prepare for the full-time transition into the classroom.

Transitioning additional students onsite has an impact on the entire building. This incremental approach is an important stepping-stone to help continue safe systems and protocols to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Rigorous health and safety measures will be maintained including six-foot physical distancing, masking, hand washing, consistent cleaning of high touch surfaces, and daily health screening.

Students will continue to have the option to remain 100% virtual. Students who intend to return on-site this school year should contact their school immediately if they have not done so already.

Full-Time Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Grade Phase-In Schedules

Community Connections Webinar

We will host a Community Connections Webinar outlining the PreK - 3rd grade full-time phase-in plan on Tuesday, March 2nd at 6pm. The webinar will also be broadcast live on Facebook.

Meeting link: or by telephone: US: +1 253 215 8782          Webinar ID: 929 2182 9315

Secondary Phase-In Update

Middle and high school students will transition to a 2-day per week hybrid schedule beginning in March. City School, Dishman Hills High School, Spokane Valley High School, and West Valley High School will begin the new schedule on Monday, March 1st. Centennial Middle School will begin after parent-teacher conferences on Monday, March 8th. Each school has been directly communicating with students and families regarding scheduling. Please connect with your school if you have any questions.

COVID-19 Health & Safety Update

COVID-19 infection rates have been below 300 per 100K for two weeks in Spokane County, which changes Spokane Regional Health District's guidance for quarantining siblings of symptomatic students or other household members. Siblings of symptomatic students no longer need to quarantine and stay home with their symptomatic sibling. Siblings can now attend school if they do not have any COVID-like symptoms and have not been identified as a close contact. (If someone in the household has tested positive they would be considered a close contact and do need to stay home). Symptomatic students with no known exposure must still isolate for 10 days, receive a negative test, or provide a note from their healthcare provider that provides documentation of an alternative diagnosis that explains all symptoms are not related to COVID. 

Activities and Athletics Update

Athletics and activities are underway at West Valley High School and will begin soon for Centennial Middle School. Please see the following documents for athletic season start dates.

Current public health and safety guidelines restrict the total number of athletes, activity participants, and spectators who can be present during competitions. We appreciate your flexibility and patience as we work regionally to put systems in place that may allow home fans to attend competitions. Teams will communicate with families directly when there is an option to attend competitions in-person. In the meantime, home competitions at West Valley High School can be viewed virtually for events held in the main gym or football field. With our West Valley subscription, you can sign up for unlimited virtual access to all live (and on-demand) home games this year. Please sign up at the link below and follow "West Valley High School-Spokane." NFHS Network:

Kindergarten Enrollment is Open

Kindergarten enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year opens Monday, March 1st for Millwood Kindergarten Center and the SPICE program at Seth Woodard Elementary.

Staying Connected

After our windstorm cancellation, we learned that some families did not receive the text message alert from Bright Arrow. We sent an “opt-in” text message to all families who did not receive the message earlier this week. If you did not receive this message and would like to receive these notifications via text message, text “yes” to 87569 at any time.

Food and Nutrition Services

All students can still eat free through the remainder of the school year! Each student will be offered a breakfast or snack when they arrive at school. Everyone is also invited to enjoy our free hot lunch! 

Even if your child is attending in-person school part-time, you can also pick up a free weekly meal kit that contains 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches to help feed your child(ren) on the weekends! Meal kit pick-up will take place every Monday at West Valley High School from 7:30am-9:30am. Sign up here for our Weekly Meal Kit.

Scheduling Reminders

  • Elementary and Middle School Conferences: March 3rd, 4th, & 5th

  • Spring Break: April 5th - 9th

It has been refreshing to see more students back in schools and we’re excited to continue the transition of more students back onsite. Thank you for your continued support and positive outlook as we continue to navigate this pandemic.

-WVSD Team
