Above and Beyond Award - April

West Valley School District and Centennial Middle School had the honor of presenting the Above and Beyond Award to the Centennial Middle School PTO Board Members.
Patricia Lohstroh - President
Stephanie Dubois - Co-President
Jodi Lacer - Secretary
Lynne Vassar - Treasurer
Christy White - Parent Coordinator
Under their leadership, the PTO has become invaluable to the Cenntenial Staff and Student Body. Not only do they help chaperone dances, but they sell cookies for holidays and special events, help with the Open House, Fund Raisers, Bingo Baskets, 8th Grade Promotion, and the delivery of 75 Thanksgiving baskets for families in need. But that is not all! Through all of their fundraising, they have been able to provide valuable equipment to Centennial. The PTO was able to purchase a Reader Board, Stage Curtains that replaced the old 30-year-old curtains, microphones, and audio interface system for the choir, additional tables, and Buddy Benches, plus numerous donations towards other CMS needs.
Centennial Middle School would like to express their gratitude for the dedication and hard work of all their PTO members.