Updated Phase-In Plan as of January 5, 2021

Hello West Valley! 

We would like to provide updates regarding the following items:

  • Phase-In Plan Reminder (4th & 5th Grade)
  • Phase-In Plan Update (Middle and High School)
  • Community Connections Webinar (Wednesday, January 13th at 6pm)

Phase-In Plan (as of 1/5/20): 4th & 5th Grade 

As a reminder, 4th grade students will return onsite in a hybrid model starting January 14th (cohort A) and 15th (cohort B), and 5th grade students will return onsite January 21st (cohort A) and 22nd (cohort B). Cohort A students will attend Monday, Thursday, and every other Wednesday. Cohort B students will attend Tuesday, Friday, and every other Wednesday. Please see the elementary hybrid schedule for more detailed information. Students will continue to have the choice to remain fully virtual upon parent/guardian request. 

Phase-In Plan (as of 1/5/20): Middle School and High School 

Pending school board approval, WVSD plans to begin a conservative phase-in of middle and high school students starting Monday, February 1st. Considering the current COVID-19 infection rates, this plan provides a cautious approach supported by the Spokane Regional Health District that will allow smaller class sizes to reduce the risk of school-based transmission. School schedules will vary by building based on student age and needs, but all schedules will include students attending onsite at least 1 day per week. Students will attend class virtually when not onsite in addition to independently working on activities closely tied to their in-person and virtual learning. Schools will communicate with families directly regarding student schedules no later than Tuesday, January 26th. Students will continue to have the choice to remain fully virtual upon parent/guardian request.  Please contact your school immediately if your student plans to remain fully virtual no later than Friday, January 15th if you have not done so already. 

Community Connections Webinar: January 13th at 6pm

WVSD will be hosting a Phase-In Plan Update Community Connections Webinar via Zoom on Wednesday, January 13th at 6pm. Please join us by using this link: https://zoom.us/j/92921829315 or by telephone: US: +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 929 2182 9315

As a reminder, it is incredibly important to keep your student(s) and their siblings home if they are sick and exhibiting any COVID-like symptoms to mitigate any possible spread (see SRHD When to Test, Quarantine and Isolate)

We are in this together and we continue to keep the health and safety of staff and students as our number one priority.  

Thank You,

West Valley School District
