Homeless Student Assistance

​​​(McKinney-Vento Act/HEART)

Pandemic EBT helps families who qualify for free and reduced-priced school meals buy groceries during school closures. Click here for more information.

In transition? Unstable housing situation?
Let us connect you with the support to keep your education on track. 

Hardships happen, and the M​cKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, a federal law, ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless children and youth. Learn more about Defining Homelessness. Our district-appointed liaisons are here to facilitate, locate and assist our families and students who find themselves needing support during these difficult moments to continue receiving the highest standards of education.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 

Do You...

  • ​Live in a shelter, motel or campground
  • Live doubled-up with other people or couch-surfing
  • Live in a car, park or abandoned building

Under the McKin​ney-Vento Act you have a right to an education without barriers, which means you can:

  • Receive a free public education
  • Enroll in school immediately, even if you lack documents normally required for enrollment
  • Attend classes while the school gathers your missing documents
  • Enroll in the school closest to you or the school you were last enrolled in (school of origin), even if you have been forced to relocate
  • Receive transportation to and from your school of origin
  • Receive all the same educational services other students receive, even if you can't pay
  • Participate in before and after school programs
  • Receive counseling
  • Receive free breakfast and lunch
  • Participate in special education, bilingual vocational and gifted programs as qualified
  • Receive school supplies
  • Receive extra academic support through Title I funding
  • Receive evaluation for any disabilities

Get covered in 3 simple step​s:

  1. TALK to your school counselor, your school counselor will complete an intake form that will identify your student's needs and any community resources available to you. 
  2. COMPLETE the housing questionnaire with your school counselor
  3. CONTACT the HEART Liaison for any additional resource assistance 

Tania Johnson
McKinney Vento & Foster Care Liaison 
Support to all district homeless and foster students and their families
(509) 340-7267
[email protected]