Staff Resources » Staff Resources (Forms and Links)

Staff Resources (Forms and Links)

You need to use your WVSD Google login (not your personal email account ) to log in to staff resources.
(see directions below)

The staff resources page has been relocated to a
Google Team Drive where you will be required to log in for access using your West Valley School District Google credentials, not your personal email account. (see directions below) 
If you don't know your Google username and password, no need to worry, all staff and students have WVSD Google accounts.  Your Google account is your formal email address: [email protected] and your existing network password.  For example, my WVSD Google account is [email protected]g (the full email address is the username)
If you have trouble accessing your Google account please call the Tech Dept at extension 8324 or 509-344-1064 Opt 1.