Report a Concern » Report a Concern

Report a Concern

WVSD logo with tag phrase Belong, Achieve, Succeed


West Valley School District fosters a culture of safety and belonging. Our school communities are stronger when everyone feels accepted and connected. If you or someone you know feels unsafe or has experienced discrimination, harassment or bullying, contact the district office or use the forms at the bottom of this page. The resources below will connect you to the appropriate compliance coordinator or provide information on how to submit a complaint.


District Compliance Coordinators

The following Compliance Coordinators have been designated to handle questions and complaints.
Civil Rights Coordinator: Sabre Dahl, 509-924-2150  
Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator: Vicki Leifer, 509-924-2150
Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying Coordinator: Vicki Leifer, 509-924-2150
Section 504 Coordinator: Dan Andrews, 509-922-5478 
Title IX Coordinator: Sabre Dahl, 509-924-2150