Human Resources » Paraeducators


What is a paraeducator?
From the classroom to the playground, paraeducators are part of a team serving a critical role in the education, supervision, and safety of students. Paraeducators work alongside and/or under the direction of a certificated educator to support and assist in providing instructional and non-instructional services to children. 
Find rewarding and meaningful work in connecting with students in need of support, helping them learn, grow and succeed.
  • Rewarding Work
  • Professional Development
What are the employment requirements?
Washington State law requires paraeducators to be at least 18 years old and hold a high school diploma or its equivalent. Additionally, paraeducators who are serving in an instructional capacity must also meet one of the following requirements:
  • Received an Associates Degree or higher; or
  • Completed 72 quarter or 48 semester credits of 100 level or above college classes; or
  • Passed the ParaPro Assessment with a score of 455 or higher.
Resources for ParaPro Assessment
Applicants seeking employment as instructional paraeducators who do not have an associate's degree or higher will have to take the ParaPro Assessment test. You can take the test at home or at a testing location.

If you find you are in need of further study of a particular concept, try one of the interactive online websites listed below.  Many of them have games and helpful quizzes to assist learning in a different way. 

  1. MySchoolHouse Courses — covers all subjects at different levels
  2. FunBrain Grammar — Play fun and colorful games while learning concepts
  3. CliffsNotes GED Test Prep — The Test Prep tab has sample GED tests
  4. Math Practice — includes help with basic math through advanced topics
Paraeducators Frequently Asked Questions
You will need to submit transcripts for all colleges/universities attended to show an AA degree or higher.
Human Resources must physically see an unaltered official score report for auditing purposes. Human Resources will make copies of the results. The copies will be maintained in your application file and the originals will be returned to you.
ESD101 (Educational Service District 101) proctors testing monthly/bi-monthly locally in Spokane.  Visit their website for information. You should anticipate the testing process will take a total of 3 hours. There will be about 30 minutes for check-in and instructions and 2.5 hours for the test. Upon exiting the test a printed unofficial copy will be provided for you to take home. Official copies will be mailed to your home within two to three weeks.
A 28-day waiting period is required to repeat the test. You may review study guides and access the ETS website for helpful test information. You will be required to pay the fee to test again.
The fee to take the ETS test is $75.00 and payment information is provided on the ESD101 website.
 If you don't find the answers above, contact us at [email protected] or call (509) 924-2150.