Special Education Programs



Special Education services are provided to eligible students ages 3 – 21.  Federal and state regulations require that all public school districts have Child Find procedures in place so that students of concern can be identified, referred, and as appropriate assessed and placed in a program designed for their needs.


The West Valley School District provides many programs for the children of our schools at no cost to you.  The district offers special programs such as speech therapy, physical and occupational therapy, Title/LAP and special education academic programs, and preschool classes to children 3 years and older.


Developmental screenings and/or comprehensive assessments for children who are suspected of having a disability that could adversely affect their educational development are available at no cost to you.  These services are available for persons between the ages of 3 through 21 years of age.  Appointments or further information can be obtained by contacting your neighborhood school or Special Services at (509) 927-1138.