School Board Director District Boundaries
School Board Director District Boundaries
West Valley School District No. 363
Director District 1: All territory within the described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of the western School District Boundary and Upriver Drive proceeding east along the Spokane River to Argonne Road, North on Argonne Road to the north School District Boundary, East and south following the School District Boundary to the Spokane River, West following the Spokane River to an extension of Butler Road, South on an extension of Butler Road to Empire Way, East on Empire Way to Euclid Avenue, East on Euclid Avenue to Ely Road, North on Ely Road to Liberty Avenue, West on Liberty Avenue to Park Road, North on Park Road to South Riverway Avenue, West following the School District Boundary to the point of beginning.
Director District 2: All territory within the described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of the western School District Boundary and Upriver Drive proceeding east along the Spokane River to Argonne Road, North on Argonne Road to the western School District Boundary, South and east on the School District Boundary to the point of beginning.
Director District 3: All territory within the described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of Vista Road and Mission Avenue proceeding east on Mission Avenue to an extension of Sargent Road, North on an extension of Sargent Road to Nora Avenue, West on Nora Avenue to Vista Road, North on Vista Road to Trent Avenue, West on Trent Avenue to Ella Road, North on Ella Road to Marietta Avenue, West on Marietta Avenue to Elizabeth Road, North on an extension of Elizabeth Road to Rutter Avenue, East on Rutter Avenue to Dora Road, North on Dora Road to Euclid Avenue, East on Euclid Avenue to Coleman Road, North on Coleman Avenue to Bridgeport Avenue, East on Bridgeport Avenue to Park Road, South on Park Road to Liberty Avenue, East on Liberty Avenue to Ely Road, South on Ely Road to Euclid Avenue, East on Euclid Avenue to Empire Avenue, East on Empire Avenue to Butler Road, South on Butler Road to Trent Avenue, West on Trent Avenue to an extension of Woodruff Road, South on an extension of Woodruff Road to Mission Avenue, West on Mission Avenue to the point of beginning.
Director District 4: All territory within the described boundary:
Beginning at the intersection of Mission Avenue and Vista Road proceeding south on Vista Road to Sprague Avenue, West to the western boundary, North following the western boundary to Rutter Avenue, East on Ruttter Avenue to an extension of Elizabeth Road, South on an extension of Elizabeth Road to Marietta Avenue, East on Marietta Avenue to Ella Road, South on Ella Road to Trent Avenue, Northeast on Trent Avenue to Vista Road, South to an intersection of Vista Road and Nora Avenue, East on Nora to Sargent Road, South on Sargent Road to Mission Avenue West on Mission Avenue to the point of beginning
Director District 5: All territory within the described boundary:Beginning at the intersection of Vista Road and Mission Avenue proceeding east on Mission Avenue to Woodruff Road, South on Woodruff Road to Sprague Avenue, East on Sprague Avenue to Argonne Road, South, west and north following the School District Boundary to an intersection of Park Road and Sprague Avenue, East on Sprague Avenue to Vista Road, North on Vista Road to the point of beginning