Nutrition Services » Special Dietary Needs

Special Dietary Needs

Special Dietary Needs Forms 
Federal Law and USDA regulation require child nutrition programs to make reasonable modifications to accommodate children with disabilities, which can include allergies and digestive conditions, but does not included personal diet preferences. 
Request Special Meal Accommodations
You need to request special meal accommodations if:
  • Your child plants to eat school meals AND
  • Your child has a medically prescribed dietary need that would require us to modify our menu
Note: We do not need accommodation requests for soy milk (we offer this at every school)
To Request Special Meal Accommodations
If your student is participating in our meal programs and would like to request a special dietary accommodation, please fill out a Dietary Accommodation Request Form (see below). 
If your child attends the Early Learning Center:
Please have the Request for Special Dietary Accommodation form filled out by your Recognized Medical Authority and turned into the Nutrition Services office. If your child needs just a milk substitution, a parent or guardian and complete the Milk Substitution Form. If your child has a life-threatening allergy, please contact your school to develop an individual health plan. 
If your child is in grade K-12-
Please fill out the Special Dietary Accommodations form signed by the recognized medical authority and turned into the Nutrition Services office. 
If your child has a life-threatening allergy, please contact your school to develop an individual health plan. 
Recognized Medical Authorities Include: Physicians (MD) , Physicians Assistants (PA-C), ARNP, Doctor of Osteopath, and Naturopathic Physicians (ND). 
Does not include: Registered Dietitians, nurses without ability to prescribe medicine, and naturopaths without ND credentials 
Mail forms to:
7617 E Trent Ave
Spokane, WA 99212
Or, turn into your schools front office or school nurse.