Bond & Levy » Facilities Planning Timeline

Facilities Planning Timeline


The Community Facilities Advisory Committee started meeting in the fall of the 2022-23 school year to evaluate the needs of the district and discuss possible solutions. The committee represents a diverse group of stakeholders within our district including administration, staff, students, parents, consultants and community members.


Priorities that the committee have taken into account in their exploration of facilities include the following:

  • Modernization of buildings and classrooms
  • Safe, secure and flexible space for students
  • Supporting the learning needs of ALL students effectively
  • Delivering programs/services that make WVSD schools exceptional
bond timeline graphic


FALL 2022

  • Architect selected by the School Board
  • Bond & Facilities Committee formed and stakeholders invited to participate
  • Committee toured Centennial Middle School and West Valley City School
  • Discussion of the pros and cons of renovation vs. rebuild in facilities


  • Committee toured two CVSD middle schools - North Pines Middle School and Evergreen Middle School - to evaluate the pros and cons of a new building vs. a renovated building
  • Administration conducted Bond financing interviews
  • Committee toured Spokane Valley High School
  • Discussion of financing options and state matches


  • ThoughtExchange survey offered to gather input from staff, students, families and community members
  • Evaluation of project costs for various options
  • In the process of narrowing down projects to include in proposal to School Board
FALL 2023
  • WVSD school board unanimously voted to run a bond on the February 2024 ballot
  • ThoughtExchange survey #2 offered to gather questions and input from staff, students and community members