Bond & Levy » Capital Projects Levy FAQs

Capital Projects Levy FAQs

In February 2024, WVSD had two measures on the ballot. The Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) Levy was approved for renewal and funds staff salaries, programs and activities. The capital projects bond did not pass in February. Renewing the Capital Projects Levy in November replaces an expiring levy and funds smaller, more immediate projects.
Preschool classes have been held at St. Paschals and our lease is expiring, requiring the district to move preschool into the Millwood Center and add classrooms for kindergarten at our neighborhood elementary schools. The district is using funds from the 2021 Capital Projects Levy. In order to be fiscally responsible, we have delayed other major projects initially included with the bond. Our facility planning committee and school board continue to evaluate other options. 
Senior citizens and people with disabilities may be eligible for tax relief and exceptions. Please contact the Spokane County Assessor's Office for more information. 
Ballots are due by 8 p.m. on November 5. Ballots can be mailed or returned to any ballot dropbox throughout Spokane County. Find your nearest dropbox at